Thursday, August 03, 2006

I Want to be a Kid Again...

Do you ever wish that? I have been wishing that a lot lately...

I watch my girls play, and they have so much fun. I listen to them as they make their dolls and stuffed animals talk, and it's so darn cute. They can make just about anything talk. And they can make anything fun, in a silly, child-like way. I treasure this time with them so much, just watching. Sometimes they even let me play! And then sometimes, when I try to join in and use a silly voice, they tell me..."No Mommy, don't talk like that! Just be Mommy, okay?". LOL

Maybe I'm a bit reflective lately since I turned 34 yesterday. Birthdays aren't always very easy for me ...long, long story which I'll share sometime, but not today. Anyway, I had a great day. DH brought me flowers (he used to have them delivered, but I'm afraid of flower delivery trucks now...another long story), Dave Ramsey's new book "The Total Money Makeover", a Starbucks card, and couple of cool "fashion" pens and a neat back massager thing for the back of my computer desk chair. there a theme here? My wonderful friend Patrice even brought me over a gift...a PartyLite lantern that I had been admiring but knew I shouldn't buy. How nice is that?

Last night I went over to my old stompin' grounds, a nearby swim and tennis club that I grew up going to. I literally went there every day, all day, every summer and lived in the pool. I was 12 years old before I realized that not every kid spend all day every day in a pool!

Last night was the club's annual synchronized swimming show...they are still doing them! I was in synchronized swimming there for about 8 years. It's the only real athletic thing I've ever done, and I was even pretty good at it! It was so great to watch the little girls, dancing around in their costumes and doing "ballet legs" in the water. I have so many awesome memories of those times, and even a couple of video-taped shows I was in. Hmm...I really need to do a couple pages about this...don't I?

And with that...we are going to leave Barnes and Noble now...night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday Michelle! Sounds like a fun one!
