Tuesday, August 14, 2007

New goodies

Daily Something: Sometimes honesty isn't always the best policy.

Yeah, I know...it doesn't sound right, but it's true. I guess I can rephrase this by saying that sometimes, you have to do things you don't want to do in order to avoid hurting someone's feelings.

I have a friend who is just the sweetest person, but her son is pretty aggressive and when we get together for playdates, something usually happens. By something, I mean he ends up directing his aggression at one of my girls. Last time at the park, it was throwing small stones at them; today, it was pushing one of them down into the sandbox. It's getting to the point where I would rather not get together with her, because I don't think the girls need to deal with that. They will have to deal with him in their class at school this year, so why add to it?

Anyway, she is fairly persistent about wanting to get together. I think I will have to be very busy for the next several months. KWIM?

New Product
I have a new template/quick page set up at MDM - Second Spring 8x8 Template Set :

It will be on sale for just $2.00 all day Wednesday, 8/14/07, so don't miss it!

I've also added the Summer Groove collab kit I did at Digital Tag Team to my store at PDW:

Okay, my battery is about to die, and I'm at B & N enjoying my night off, so I'll catch you tomorrow!


Meredith said...

LOVE these designs! I am going to have to go get them! :) I know what you mean about the playdates. I went to a scrapbooking party today and Hannah ended up with some scratches and bruises. Granted, she instigated some of it, but erasing a child's chalk drawing does not warrant a scratch on the face, a handful of hair and a red mark on the arm. Thankfully, we are heading to Utah this weekend and won't have to worry about this little boy again.

clc said...

Love the Summer Grove kit! Hope your friend's little boy settles down or you can keep him away from your girls. I enjoyed chatting with you at Melinda's chat last night. I promise to stop being such a "blogger stalker" LOL