Thursday, August 23, 2007

Hot hot hot

Daily Something

I made a hybrid layout from my now infamous electronic speeding ticket. I printed the background paper on an 8.5x11 sheet of paper, then printed the elements on a separate sheet and cut them out. I need to add journaling to jazz it up, but it's my creative project for the day. I used Sherri Tierney's Rev It Up, available at OAKS, which I think is so cute. Never thought I'd have a use for it though! LOL Those ribbons look amazingly realistic when you print them out and attach them.

It is sooooooooooooo hot and sticky here. Every time you walk outside, you can almost slice the air. Now it's nothing like St. Louis, but it's still uncomfortable and makes me want to stay inside. So that's what we've been doing today...playing with PlayDoh, coloring and now the girls are playing in the basement, pretending they have an animal house or something. :-)

My brother was in town Saturday - Wednesday, and we've been doing a lot of fun stuff with him. Sunday was COSI, Tuesday we went out to dinner and then to the Mud Hens (baseball) game and yesterday we went swimming. The girls love seeing him, as he's the "fun uncle" and loves to spoil them. Here is a layout from all the fun:

Credits: Traci Reed - Bubble Wands and bubbles from Blow Me a Bubble, Papers from Trendy Blendys (blue) and Neutrally Yours (gray and black), Stitching from Unbound, Blue ricrac from Ric Rac Bits, Mini Alpha; Glitter stroke by Sausan Designs; Template by Andrea Gold (modified)
Font: Mish

Not too much else going on. Tomorrow we have a preschool meeting, and Rob and I are going to try to go out tomorrow night. This weekend is the annual German American Festival, which we always enjoy. Our good friends/neighbors are German dancers, and we love to see the dances at the festival. Plus, the beer is good too! When the girls were little, they had German dirndel dresses but they have since outgrown them. I'd love to get them another set, since they look so cute.

Well, I'm off to try to stay entertained. It's almost Friday! :-)

Oh, before I go, remember that Fridays are now Featured Fridays at Plain Digital Wrapper. Every designer puts one product on sale for just $2.00...a great deal! Be sure to check out my store late tonight to see which product I chose!


Anonymous said... stuff for me!! Let me see if I remember the Germanfest song: "eins fien..lots of words I don't understand," and then chug! I miss that. jh

Anonymous said...

Hi bub! Looks like you had fun with bro this week. Did he come swimming with you all and go off the diving boards?! Have fun at GAF this weekend. Always sounds like a blast at that dancing thing you go to. Talk to you soon. G

clc said...

Love the bubbles layout and your "speeding" layout is hilarious!

Audimc said...

Mish.. I miss you on Hello!!!! Love the LOs!!!