Friday, August 10, 2007

A day off?

Yesterday we had a wonderful time at the art museum. First we walked around the galleries, which I haven't done with the girls before. Heidi took everything in, and of course asked about a million questions. That girl is such a thinker! Gretchen, on the other hand, glanced at things and then asked when we could go downstairs (to the family center). Sigh. I plan to take Heidi back there so she and I can just gaze at all the inspiration.

Which brings me to my Daily Something: in order to be inspired, you must leave the house once in a while! Sounds basic, I know, but since leaving the house takes effort, lots of times I choose not to. The art museum is literally about 12 minutes from my house, and is just full of amazing art, architecture, lighting, people...everything! I should be taking the kids there every week. AND IT'S FREE!

Today Rob will be home in the afternoon, giving me some "time off". This is a result of the meltdown I had on Wednesday. I hate that it takes having a fit to get his attention sometimes. It's never intentional though (hormones take care of that for me). I don't have anything planned yet, but I'm sure I think of something. :-)

The girls had their last swimming lesson of the session yesterday afternoon. I can't believe how far they have come! They got to put on life jackets and ride the "boat" into the deep end, where they jumped in and floated around. They even decided to jump off the starting block, which in the past they have been too scared to do! I'm so proud of them. I tried to take pictures, but the lighting is pretty bad in there and they didn't come out.

Rob has to work tomorrow morning, so it looks like it will be just me and the girls again.

TGIF (I think!)


Robin said...

Hope you enjoy your time off Mish!!! You deserve it chica! :) I really love your daily somethings, too.

Anonymous said...

So glad you had a good time at the museum. I have such a hard time making myself get out if I don't have to, so I totally get that. It's wonderful that the girls are doing so well with their swimming! That is something we had planned to do this summer, but it just kept getting put off. I'll have to investigate to see if it's something we could manage during the school year. Hope you had a wonderful afternoon!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your time away, Mish! The art museum sounds like fun. Doesn't it seem like it takes a breakdown before WE admit we need a break? I know that happens to me a whole lot. (((hugs)))