Sunday, July 22, 2007

Even more CHA...

It's amazing what a good night's sleep can do! LOL

More photos from yesterday...

Robin and I with Elsie Flannagan. I totally need that apron!

Here's Audra and I with Kellie P, My Digital Muse CT member. She is such a sweetie!

We went to dinner last at Carlucci's - yum! Afterward, we had drinks and dessert at Gibson's, out on patio. It was such a beautiful evening! Holly and Audra practiced taking photos of still objects using manual settings. So, I had to capture them, using my little point and shoot.

Holly's friends Kathy and Jen met up with us, and we ordered the biggest desserts I've ever seen! Check out this carrot cake...

and my coconut cream pie...

We figured there was about 50,000 calories in that carrot cake! LOL Good thing we didn't eat it all!

This morning we are meeting Holly in her hotel lobby so she can take some head shots of us. I can't wait to see how they turn out.

I will be going through withdrawal tomorrow, leaving my new friends and going back to "real life". I have learned so much about them, and about myself too. Hopefully all this inspiration will help me do something new and exciting! Who knows!


Audimc said...

What fun pics!! LOL I'm so bummed that the weekend is over!

Robin said...

I still can't believe how big those cakes were LOL!!!! Hope you had a good trip home. Miss you already!!!!

Anonymous said...

It was great to finally meet my fellow Buckeye in Chicago...I just wish there had been more time for all of us to chat than there was...maybe next year? (sigh) :)