Friday, April 13, 2007

Another digi student :-)

It has been my goal of late to try to get a couple people I know IRL to start digiscrapping. And guess what? It worked! Yesterday my good buddy Carrie brought her kids over to play with the girls, and she brought along her picture card from her camera. Check out her first digi layout ever!

Credits: Template by me, Home Life by Jessica Bolton, available at SBG, Fonts: Michelle Marker, Old English

I'm so excited to get someone else "addicted"! LOL

The girls had spring break this week, which doesn't amount to much since they are only in school two mornings a week, but it's enough to change the routine. Rob took the day off Tuesday and we went to The Butterfly's so cool there!

Credits: Paper, frames, binder clip, bow, star brads and journaling
paper from Toni Berman's Debutante kit, available at [url=]My Digital Muse[/url]
and [url=]Toni Berman Designs[/url]
Painted butterfly by Michelle Coleman
Clay butterfly by Amy Knepper
Silk butterflies by Christina Bartholomew and Eve Recinella

Rob had a very late night last night. The church/school network got a virus yesterday afternoon, and he was there trying to get it up and running until 4:30am (with the exception of a one hour break at home). I feel so bad for him, because he had to get up and go back in this morning. No rest for the weary. But at least he was able to get it working. Sometimes those viruses can destroy entire systems.

I don't think we have much planned for this weekend. Rob is going to a hockey game tonight, and we are supposed to go together to a game tomorrow night (it's playoff season for the Toledo Storm). In our former life (before kids, that is!) we had season tickets to the games, and Rob was the webmaster for the team for a season. Ah, the good old days.

Well, we are off to go to the natural foods store in pursuit of some rice milk and soy milk. Gretchen has been experiencing tummy aches after just about every meal, so I'm wondering if it could be a dairy/lactose problem. Maybe this will help her constant attitude/behavior issues? We can hope!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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