Monday, May 08, 2006

You win some, you lose some...

I knew I shouldn't have tried that contest over at I found out last night at the chat that I didn't make the second round. I was majorly bummed last night (doesn't help that I had PMS). I felt sad, disappointed, angry, rejected, defiant...all at once.

But if I'm completely honest with myself, that layout wasn't my best work. Yes, I spent some time on it, but it certainly wasn't my all-time best photo, and not my best compostion.

I guess what makes me sad about this competition is that I know others will feel like I do, and as this thing goes one more and more people will get cut. I wonder if it is a good idea to try competing with other scrappers. I mean, why did I start doing this in the first place? Was it to try to win a contest, or preserve some wonderful memories for my family by creating pages that are fun to look at and journaling that is entertaining to read? I know it's the latter. My kids certainly don't care if my pages are published or win contests.

While I was working out this morning, I was listening to my iPod and "Eye of the Tiger" came on. A line from the song seemed very appropriate to my experience with the contest:

"So many times, it happens too trade your passion for glory...don't lose your grip on the dreams of the must fight just to keep them alive"

Translation: I can't trade my passion for scrapping for the glory of winning or being recognized publicly. I can't lose my focus...just stay the course...hang out at my scrapping home, RAKScraps, and don't worry about the rest of the sites.

Am I making a federal case out of this? Probably. I'll be totally over it in a couple of days, and then I'll follow the contest, just to see how my RAK friends are doing. I'm still rooting for ya!

And now, something far more meaningful
I went up to the U of Michigan Children's Hospital tonight to visit some friends. Their 2 month old daughter just had her first open heart surgery to correct a birth defect, and will probably have two more surgeries this year. I had the priviledge of seeing little Katherine in the PICU and she is just beautiful. She even opened her eyes for me and seemed to enjoy all my advice for when she gets older ... LOL! I can't tell you what a boost it gave me to see this little miracle girl, and I was overwhelmed with God's grace and tender loving care. My friends are holding up well and they can feel the prayers of our church body. It doesn't get much better than that. I made sure they are taking photos (they are) and maybe when this whole ordeal is over, I'll be able to scrap it for them. Now...that's what scrapping is all about.

'nough said...good night!


Unknown said...

Oh Mish, I'm sending big hugs your way! All the layouts were so fantastic, I would have been so hard pressed to judge between them all. Just the stress from last week had me telling my dh to remind NEVER to enter a contest like this again. Competitive scrapbooking? Who has ever heard of such a thing? It's total nonsense. You keep on keeping on with your fabulous work and memories (and maybe try a little quirky stuff, eh?). I *heart* you! :)

Robin said...

Hugs Mish! I thought your LO was great! And even if you didn't make it - at least you tried and put yourself out there! That is so hard to do! The competition was tough. :) You are fab and so are your LOs!!!

Raji said...

Oh, Mish your LO was great. I loved it. You know you are better than me, you atleast tried. I was scared of getting rejected so I didn't even participate.

Kelley Elizabeth McDonald said...

This is the first blog entry of yours that I have read, but I can already tell we are going to be friends! You have hit the nail on the head in lots of different ways in just this one entry. Keep believing in the spirit of what you are doing. And know that you are a winner where it really counts!

mrs.S said...

George!!! Huggles to you, hun! Your LO was fabulous, and don't ever think otherwise. It's natural to feel the way you did, and you're right that there will be a lot of people who will also feel the same way. But it's YOUR work, it's YOUR talent, it's YOUR creativity, it's YOUR memories. No one can take those away from you. Love ya, bella!