Wednesday, May 17, 2006

~~Happy Wednesday~~

Rectangle layout feature: Building A Swing

This morning I searched the rectangle galleries in my little "network" to find a layout with multiple photos. It didn't take me long to find this one by Deb (DebsAngels23) at RAKScraps. By using 4 photos in a clean, symmetrical layout, Deb is able to tell the story of her DD building a swing. Don't you love the pink/brown color combo? It's one of my favorites. The large title draws your eye to the top and the cute little sunshine element is a nice touch. Great job Deb!

You can check out more of Deb's layouts in her RAKScraps gallery.

Credits: Resolutions kit by Tracy Blankenship at Digital Freebies, Sun element by Christy Heins - March RAK mega kit; Font: Microsoft sans serif

I'm off to the year's last meeting of my church Mom's group this morning. I'm supposed to bring the snack AND prepare the lesson today...oh boy...looks like I'm stopping at Panera for some bagels and praying the Spirit will enlighted me with a few nuggets to share.

Happy Wednesday gals!

1 comment:

Deb said...

Hehe - this is what happens when I'm too busy to catch up on my blog hopping. Thanks for choosing my layout - and don't ya just love this kit!!