Monday, June 02, 2008

The final stretch

It's hard to believe this is the last week of school for the girls. Then they will official be "big school" kids! It has gone fast in some ways, and slow in other ways. A quote that describes this perfectly is "the days are long but the years are short". I don't how this works, but it's so true. They have their little preschool end of the year program Wednesday night, and I can't wait to see what they will be doing.

This morning was a bit hectic. Gretchen was complaining of her stomach feeling yucky before we got up, and I didn't think much of it since this is a common complaint (along with many other things). So we get all ready and we're on our way to school when she throws up in the car! AACK! Yeah, sign me up for the parent of the year award. So I get Heidi to school, call off work, and take Gretchen back home. She seems to be fine now after resting for the morning. My girls are not the type to throw up often (like from excitement) so this was odd. Hopefully it was an isolated incident.

I have several layouts and project I want to post but my ScribeFire is not cooperating with me and doesn't know how to post images today. Add this to my list of things to figure out!

Today's to-do list:
1. Laundry, laundry, laundry
2. Make hair appt.
3. Make appts. with "special friend" and happy pill doc.
4. Refill Rx
5. Clear snack bar counter top
6. Plant herbs in the herb garden.

Let's see if I can get any of these done. :-)

1 comment:

Melinda said...

I hope it was just a small tummy bug and it is now settled down for good. There are still all sorts of ickies going around. :( I hope you get lots on your list done today!