Thursday, June 19, 2008

The summer vacation {lack of} routine

Ah, summer. How I used to look forward to it as a kid. I remember waking up in the morning (early of course, since we weren't allowed to sleep in!) and thinking that my neighborhood had a different look to it. I don't know if it was the colors, or the height of the sun in the summer sky, but everything had that "summer look" to it.

My neighborhood where I live now has that summer look too, but now as a mom, somehow summer is a bit more challenging. We are in our second week of no school, and I'm still not used to the lack of routine. I'm a person who needs to get up and go somewhere every morning in order to function properly. On the days we don't have this, I often give in the to urge to sleep late while my kids are in bed with me watching cartoons. The rest of the morning is spent trying to catch up and eat breakfast before noon! LOL

Summer does have its fun points though. My girls are enjoying doing several pages in their kindergarten workbooks every morning. They are loving playing outside in the backyard, digging for worms, getting into mischief with the hose and picking strawberries from our little garden. They also love to watch the various creatures that thrive in our yard...Mrs. Squirrel, Chippy the chipmunk and Queen Bumble, the bee. Heidi has developed a fear of bee hives (since we have found several small ones started in our yard) and was recently worried that one was in her bed, under her covers.

Even though it seems like summer will be long, I know in reality it won't be. July 4th will be here in just a couple of weeks! They will be going to Safety City for 2 weeks, and between a couple more trips to Cedar Point and a jaunt to Chicago to visit friends in July,it will go quickly. Then all too soon my babies will be turning six and starting kindergarten. Where has the time gone?

{Okay, end of sappy lament}

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hej bub! Wow I didn't think of the fact that they are going to Safety City this summer. How freaky, because isn't that where our families first met? It's just weird to think they are that age now. I totally understand about the routine, I hear ya. It's only week 2, you're probably still adapting and it will get better. Maybe we can do some lunches (with the kids) and maybe that will help motivate you to get the day going. Later...