Wednesday, April 26, 2006


I just finished this layout about my girls' first experience with homework. Yes, you read correctly...HOMEWORK! They are 3.5 years old and I have them enrolled in a two-morning-a-week class at the Y. It's a kind of pseudo preschool class...they do crafts, a lesson, gym time, snack, etc. When I went to pick them up on Monday, their teacher handed me a stack of papers they had done along with a homework assignment! It just cracked me up.

That wasn't the best part. When we got home that afternoon, I told them, "Let's do your homework now girls!" and they both screamed and said "No! We don't want to do our homework. We don't like homework!!!". Now, how did they learn about homework? I've never discussed it with them. Is this something inherited?? Sheesh!

In other news...I've been turned on to Dave Ramsey, a Christian financial counselor who has a cool radio show everyday. He's all about paying cash for things and getting out of debt. I just pulled our credit reports and am working on our budget. It's fun stuff, let me tell you.

Along those lines, I am finally letting go of my college textbooks and just posted them on They have a whole textbook section there and you can make some decent money. If you have textbooks in your attic, dust them off and make a little extra cash. If you need any music education textbooks...check out my sales. LOL


mrs.S said...

LOL!!! I remember hating homework too. Took away some of my playing time. hehe!

Oh wow, tell me about credit. I really should let go of some of my cards. *sigh* I could actually buy shoes on cash....LOL!!!

Unknown said...

Mish, I *love* Dave Ramsey. I read his Total Money Makeover, and I'm telling you that it changed the way we look at money. Good for you for going for it!!

And LOL at the girls and their homework!! :)