Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Working girl - me!

Yesterday morning, I got up and went to a JOB for the first time in 3 years! Woohoo! Before I had the girls, I worked in a real estate office for a Realtor for 6 years, managing his marketing, Internet/web site, some client contact, etc. It was a great job and I loved it, even though I got a bit burnt out towards the end. We have kept in touch over the years and last week he called me out of the blue, asking if I'd be interested in coming in to help out part time. I said YES I WOULD!! LOL Right now I'm just working one morning a week to get re-acquainted with everything, and as market gets busier I'll be adding more hours.

It's fascinating to realize all the little things I used to take for granted working there. Like...I have a REAL chair that is comfortable, one that you can adjust up and down and that swivels. There is fresh coffee available all day long. The bathroom is clean and bright, and has several lotions and "girlie" things available...and I don't have to clean it! I have my own phone extension and my own computer. I have really arrived!

One challenge is that I've realized I have a totally crappy looking wardrobe right now. So tonight, during my "night out" I went shopping and found 3 pairs of pants and 2 blouses to wear to work. I believe that is a record for me. I HATE buying pants, since I need petite length (not width, that is for sure!). K-Mart was my friend tonight. I wanted to get new shoes too, but the price wasn't listed and I was too lazy to ask. ha ha

They just called and could use me tomorrow too, so I think I'm going to see if I can work that out. Any extra money is a good thing!


Robin said...

Congrats on your job Mish!!! :) I gotta say you are lucky to have a good chair LOL! We had really nasty beat up ones for years which they just replaced with these hideous uncomfortable things.
Anyway! I hope you have fun at the new gig and that it doesn't get crazy! And how fun that you got to go on a little shopping spree too!

CJ said...

Congrats on the new job Michelle! It's the little things in life like a clean bathroom and fresh coffee that make us "moms" happy! Hey are we still going to meet tomorrow for coffee? Give me a call or send an email tonight.

Anonymous said...

Yay!! That sounds fun, and a great part-time position!

Meredith said...

After FOUR loads of dishes, several diaper changes & snotty noses wiped, I could be jealous of your REAL chair and personal space! :) Congratulations and Good luck!

Melinda said...

very cool, Mish! and a great chair is an awesome erk- wish I had one!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Hej! Glad I checked out your blog -- now I have the update on how the job stuff came to be -- yay. Also love your music that you posted. Birdland even has the 'thump'! ha ha I love all the old nostalgic tunes, how cool. Hope to chat soon.

Azrood said...

Good for you! That sounds like a fun job! Of course, I love real estate though. :)

clc said...

Glad to hear that you've got a job you enjoy! Hope you get as many hours as you want but not more than you want.

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